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About the Education and Training Team

Our Mission

The Office of Education and Training develops, evaluates and coordinates innovative learning to support strategic initiatives of the Office of Johns Hopkins Physicians. Targeting quality, delivery, financial performance and value-based healthcare, OET works closely with other entities within our learning healthcare system to identify and disseminate best practices.


OJHP Education and Training Team

Have questions for OJHP Office of Education and Training? Send us an email or call us at 410-955-2600.

Dr. Maura McGuireMaura J. McGuire, M.D.
Sr. Director of Education and Training
[email protected]
Mohamad Al-IssaMohammad Al-Issa
Sr. Instructional Design & Development Specialist
[email protected]
George MargetasGeorge J. Margetas
Project Manager, Education & Training
[email protected]
Nicholas RebbertNicholas Rebbert
Program Administrator
[email protected]

Our Aims


System based training and education efforts, focusing on quality, delivery, financial performance and value based healthcare.

  1. Many leaders and teams across Johns Hopkins Medicine have developed training and education that would help others, but lack a way to disseminate it effectively. OET develops platforms to catalog and disseminate high quality learning resources and make them available more broadly.
  2. Link and support development of new educational programs by developing a hub and spoke system linking programs, resources, analytics, collaborators and coaches.


By identifying learning gaps and developing precise educational interventions.

  1. Interventions should be learner centered and consider geography, time, and level.
  2. Developing a "toolkit" approach to advise E learning, microlearning, gaming, remote and asynchronous classroom options.
  3. Collecting data to assess interventions allows continuous improvement of the intervention and may offer opportunities for scholarship.


Learners by helping them understand their vital roles in transformation.

  1. Make it easy for stakeholders to link and share learning programs within JHM.
  2. Make it easy for community providers and regional physicians to connect to assist our academic mission. In academic healthcare, interdisciplinary learners physicians, nurses, pharmacists and others need to spend time in ambulatory and community settings. As the footprint of JHM expands, we want to make it easier for new community faculty members to engage with our academic communities. The core ACGME competencies of system based practice and practice based learning rely on exposing learners to a variety of systems, structures and ideas.
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