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Practice Management & Leadership

OJHP Management Programs: AMP and CHAMP

See below for full info on our Ambulatory Management and Clinical Hospital Advanced Management programs.  You may also access the following links to view more information describing both programs. 

AMP & CHAMP 2023 Program Flyer
AMP & CHAMP Overview

OJHP Ambulatory Management Program (AMP)

The Ambulatory Management Program (AMP) is a training program for practice management teams, specifically physician directors, nurse managers and clinic managers. The program brings together expertise from multiple entities within Johns Hopkins that focus on health care management. By completing this course, participants will be able to successfully operate an ambulatory clinical practice with enhanced effectiveness and efficiency that will improve patient care.

AMPAMP 2023 Timeline
AMP 12th Cohort Executive Summary

For more info:
Email Anna Galloway

OJHP Clinical Hospital Advanced Management Program (CHAMP)

Clinical Hospital Advanced Management Program (CHAMP) is a 5-month course for hospital-based physicians, nurses and administrators to develop leadership and program-building skills.
CHAMP 2023 Executive Summary

For more info and to apply:
Email Anna Galloway

AMP-CHAMP Small Grant Programs:

The AMP-CHAMP Small Grants Program provides funding for program graduates and supports operations scholarship and innovation. Some calls for applications focus on projects that will broadly improve operational efficiency and performance, while others have a specific and more limited focus. Individuals applying for small grants will complete a 2 stage selection process: Phase I: brief written application; Phase II: the OET Managing Board will review and provider feedback prior to making a funding decision. Small grants of $2500 - $5000 are available.AMPCHAMP

For more info and to apply:
Email Anna Galloway


Other Leadership and Management Development Education

Johns Hopkins Medicine offers many development programs for emerging and established leaders.  Beyond JHM, our collective academic family offers a range of development programs covering all levels of leadership.   The links below include only a few of these.


JHUSPH: Leading Transformation for Value-Based Healthcare (LVTH)
The JH Leading Transformation for Value-Based Executive Education program equips inter-professional healthcare leaders with knowledge and tools to lead their organizations to success in the transition to value-based health care payment and delivery under the Maryland TCOC waiver, MACRA, ACA, and employer-based value-based purchasing.  The six month curriculum covers: Value-Based Health Care - Context, Current Status, and Future; Negotiation for Change Management; Leadership for Transformation; Financial Models and Behavioral Economics for Value; Population Health Management and Analytics, Quality Improvement and Measurement; Health Information for Care and Health Management; and Ethical Issues in Managed Care.

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