Endocrine Rotation Enrollment for Johns Hopkins Students
To inquire about the availability of positions, Johns Hopkins students or residents interested in taking the Endocrinology & Metabolism Consultation Service Elective should contact:
Sharice Frazier
Coordinator, Endocrine Fellowship Program
Medical Training Coordinator/Administrative Supervisor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1830 E. Monument St., Suite 333
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410-502-0837
Fax: 410-367-2042
Once there is preliminary agreement about scheduling, the Elective Registration Form must be completed, and it can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office at 733 N. Broadway, Suite 147, Baltimore, MD 21205 (MRB Building).
The form must be submitted to Sharice Frazier, who will have the form signed by the course director. The white and yellow copies of the form will be returned to the student, who must return the white sheet to the Registrar’s office and keep the yellow sheet for their own files.
Students should be aware that cancellations represent a very significant problem. Patients are scheduled for the Endocrine Clinic with the expectation that students and residents will fulfill their commitment to take the elective. Furthermore, because of the rotation’s popularity, other students or residents will usually have been refused an opportunity to take the elective. Consequently, cancellations are unwelcome even before the official deadline for dropping most of these elective, which is two months before the scheduled start of the rotation.
Endocrine Rotation Enrollment for Students from Other Institutions
Residents from outside institutions interested in doing a rotation in Adult Endocrinology through the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism at Johns Hopkins should contact Sharice Frazier by returning the Request an Elective form.
All inquiries will be reviewed for availability and you will be contacted if the dates you requested are available. The division has a maximum availability of three slots per month and will make every effort to accommodate as many rotation requests as possible. All requests must be received no later than 100 days before the start of your desired elective month.
Sharice Frazier
Coordinator, Endocrine Fellowship Program
Medical Training Coordinator/Administrative Supervisor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1830 E. Monument St., Suite 333
Baltimore, MD 21287
Endocrine Rotation and Electives Consultations
Outpatient Consultations
Endocrine Clinic sessions are held every morning Tuesday through Friday, beginning for trainees at 8:00 A.M. Each session has a subspecialty orientation based on the attending's interests. Clinic sessions are held in the Outpatient Center: 7th Floor, Adult Medicine or the Diabetes Center on the 2nd floor.
These procedures apply to all clinics
Attendance is mandatory.
You must be present on time and ready to contribute. Any conflicts (e.g., other longitudinal clinics, interviews, or other coverage assignments) must be cleared in advance with Sharice Frazier, Medical Training Coordinator/Administrative Supervisor, who must in turn notify the fellow and clinic attendings. Personal emergencies should also be reported to the fellow. Because patients have been scheduled based on the expectation of your participation, only compelling excuses will be considered acceptable.
Clinic Notes
You must dictate a concise note describing your clinical findings, previous study results, and the impression and plans that are formulated with the attending. Dictate your notes before you leave clinic and return the patient's chart to the attending directly or leave it in their box in the 1830 Bldg. administrative office. Dictate your notes by calling 5-9033. It is important to enter the correct physician identifier for the attending, the work type (30), and the patient's history number. At the beginning of your dictation, you should state that you are dictating a note from clinic #111.
Be sensitive to the fact that patients have been referred to or have an established relationship with the attending. You should be introduced to the patient by the attending. Occasionally, you may have to help patient's understand that you are acting as a member of the attending's team.
Dress Code
Everyone must be neatly groomed with a clean white coat, legible name tag, and business attire (shirt and tie for men; dress or trouser suit for women).
Confidentiality (HIPAA)
It is essential that your patient's consultation be carried out with respect for their privacy. All discussions of their case, both in the clinic and elsewhere, must be held in strict confidentiality.
The Nursing and Clinic Staff can help you understand and follow clinic procedures. They can help you perform test procedures, complete laboratory and radiology request forms, and make follow-up appointments. The Division's nurses are very knowledgeable about endocrine diseases and their management. Make good use of their expertise.
Inpatient Consultations
Consultation requests are paged through PING or from the paging office to the on-service fellow. These requests are also recorded in an online calendar.
The fellow assigns each consult to a rotating student, resident, or fellow, who is then responsible for interviewing and examining the patient, and reviewing all relevant records, laboratory and radiological data. Consultation requests received before attending rounds and all emergent consults must be completed on the day requested. You will present your patient on attending rounds, which are generally held daily in the late afternoon. Always discuss potentially emergent cases immediately with the fellow or attending.
Consultation notes must be logical, legible, and concise (no more than one page). Please see the Endocrine Fellow to discuss any questions when using the electronic inpatient consultation system. The attending must write and sign a brief note on each form to document that he/she has seen the patient and concurs with the diagnosis and recommendations. It is also essential that the consultation team make direct contact with the patient's house officer and attending physician. This is generally the fellow and attending endocrinologist's responsibility, but trainees may occasionally be asked to assist. Follow-up is required for most endocrine consultations.
Once assigned to a case, you are responsible for visiting patient daily and reporting to the fellow and attending until it is determined that the case no longer needs our attention. You should also follow-up all requested laboratory and radiological studies, even these reports will not return until after discharge. When you leave the service, you should sign out all your cases to the fellow. Some patients will be admitted or their consultations will be directed to a faculty member not on-service that month. Ordinarily, these consultations will also be channeled through the on-service fellow and team. Although these cases may be discussed on attending rounds, the consulting trainee should establish direct contact with the designated attending.