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Associate Professor Promotion: Scholarship in Clinical Distinction

National recognition for patient care at the Associate Professor level includes development and dissemination of a unique clinical program, diagnostic test, or intervention that has had a national impact.

National recognition for excellence in clinical service or clinical program building may be reflected by:

  • Reputation as one of the nation’s foremost clinicians in management of a particular disease or condition, as reflected by referrals from across the nation or national peer review
  • Leadership positions in professional societies emphasizing excellence in clinical specialties
  • Invitations to participate in clinical activities in other medical schools and hospitals
  • Service as member of or examiner for specialty board
  • Development of national or internationally recognized standards of care
  • Development of a unique or essential clinical program with national prominence
  • Development, implementation, and evaluation of model clinical programs at the JHSOM
  • Development of clinical programs that serve patients across the state or nation, or serve as a model for programs in other states

Excellence in clinical service may also be documented by:

  • Being identified by peers or trainees as a role model of professionalism in clinical practice
  • Patient volumes
  • Introduction and evaluation of new, innovative approaches locally
  • Referrals from within and beyond the JHSOM
  • Subspecialty certification
  • Service as examiner for a specialty board
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