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Diversity Scholars Program

Victor Cox and Pradeep Ramulu

The Wilmer Eye Institute is delighted to invite students who are underrepresented minorities to apply for a summer research fellowship between the first and second year of medical school. Our department will provide a stipend of $3,000. The program will be offered to four students for the summer of 2023 (8-9 weeks duration) and will be based at the main Johns Hopkins Medical Campus in Baltimore, Maryland.

Students will be paired with a faculty mentor in the division of cornea, oculoplastics, retina, or glaucoma. Upon completion of the program, the student will be encouraged to submit an abstract to a national meeting and submit work for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The student will also have the opportunity to gain clinical experience in ophthalmology and attend weekly Grand Rounds, conferences, and resident didactics.

To Apply

The program is open to all students who are underrepresented in medicine and have successfully completed their first year of medical school. We define the following groups as underrepresented: Black (African American or African), Latino/Hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. We will also consider applications from students of socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Please email Andrea Everett with the following information:

  • Underrepresented group(s) with which you identify
  • One brief paragraph stating why you are interested in this program and previous exposure to research and/or ophthalmology
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Undergraduate GPA and MCAT score
  • Dates of availability for the summer

Please provide two letters of recommendation, one from a faculty member of your current institution. Letters can be emailed from references to Andrea Everett.

The application deadline is January 13, 2023 and we will inform students of application status by January 31, 2023.

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