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Events to Support Health & Well-Being

Upcoming Events to Support Health & Well-Being 

calendar with a red pen

Offered to all JHM employees to keep you healthy and well through these unconventional times.




Reoccurring Events

  • Ask the Expert - Emma Slattery, RDN

    Thursday at 12pm
    Click here to join

    Join a 30-minute Ask the Expert session with Emma Slattery, RDN at Johns Hopkins Hospital to talk about how to eat healthfully during the holiday season. Yes, it IS possible!

  • to Visit JHM Link to Enter the Winter Well-Being Raffle

    JHM Link

    Get ready for the sparkle of the new year with a chance to win prizes focused on you and your well-being. Through Dec. 30, log into JHM Link to enter into the raffle. Each calendar day that you log in counts as one raffle entry. Subscribe to the Health & Well-Being category for an additional entry. The more days you visit JHM Link, the more chances you have to win a prize.

  • to Work Stride Managing Cancer at Work - Employee Support Group

    1st Wednesday every month at 12pm
    Click here to join via Zoom:
    Meeting ID: 531 234 7983
    or please call 301-715-8592

    This is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey.

  • to Work Stride Managing Cancer at Work - Caregiver Support Group

    2nd Wednesday every month at 12 pm
    Click here to join via Zoom
    Meeting ID
    # 531 234 7983
    or call 301-715-8592

    Work Stride: Managing Cancer at Work is an employer-paid benefit program that provides comprehensive information and nurse navigator support to help all Johns Hopkins employees and managers understand and navigate the cancer journey.

  • to Moral Resilience Rounds

    Every 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month
    from 12- 1pm
    Email the Moral Resilience Team for the Zoom link:
    [email protected]

    Moral Resilience Rounds is a bi-monthly, flexible on-line meeting to discuss any element of clinical care creating moral distress, or any particular clinical case that would benefit from shared ethical reflection and peer support.

  • to Mindful Monday

    Mondays at 12 pm EST
    Click here to join
    Meeting number (access code):945 6451 0441
    Meeting password: 238385
    Join by phone: +13017158592 (Washington DC) +17866351003 (Florida)

    Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working. A member of the Healthy at Hopkins team will guide you through a variety of interactive activities such as Mindful Monday, Walking Wednesday and so much more!

  • to Tabata Tuesday: 15 Minute Meet-up

    Tuesdays at 12 pm ET
    Click here to join
    Meeting number (access code): 2316 153 6942
    Meeting password: Pw3cPu7EYA4
    Join by phone: 404-410-4502

    Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working. A member of the Healthy at Hopkins team will guide you through a variety of interactive activities such as Mindful Monday, Walking Wednesday and so much more! This event is worth 50 points towards the rewards program for participating affiliates. See the Rewards page on the portal for more details.

  • to Walking Wednesday: 15 Minute Meet-up

    Wednesdays at 12 pm ET
    Click here to join
    Meeting number (access code): 2316 153 6942
    Meeting password: Pw3cPu7EYA4
    Join by phone: 404-410-4502

    Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working. A member of the Healthy at Hopkins team will guide you through a variety of interactive activities such as Mindful Monday, Walking Wednesday and so much more!

  • to Flexible Fridays: 15 Minute Meet-ups

    Fridays at 12 pm ET
    Click here to join
    Meeting number (access code): 2316 153 6942
    Meeting password: Pw3cPu7EYA4
    Join by phone: 404-410-4502

    Dial in at noon to join Healthy at Hopkins for a web-based meetup to support your well-being while working. A member of the Healthy at Hopkins team will guide you through a variety of interactive activities such as Mindful Monday, Walking Wednesday and so much more! This event is worth 50 points towards the rewards program for participating affiliates. See the Rewards page on the portal for more details.

  • to Mindfulness Meditation Session with Avani Prabhakar, MD

    Every Wednesday at 12pm
    Click here to join via Zoom
    Meeting ID:
    747 490 420

    30 minutes drop in class includes brief movement practice followed by guided stationary practice. Each mindfulness meditation session has its own unique focus.

  • to Music for a While - JHH Only

    Click here to see hours
    Click here to see locations across East Baltimore Campus

    Enjoy informal, live musical performances that are sure to lift spirits and bring hope. Peabody musicians will be joined by special musical guests. Whether passing through, pausing for a moment, or settling in for the hour, time spent with music provides the opportunity for self-care and hope.

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