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Survivorship Events

Meditation: Your Tool for Relaxation

Dr. Avani Prabhakar, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Specialist in Hospice and Palliative Medicine 

Dr. Prabhakar, currently in the class of 2023 Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, offers weekly virtual Mindfulness sessions at 12 noon on Wednesday. The 30 minute drop-in class includes brief movement practice follow by guided stationary mindfulness practice.

The Zoom link is
Meeting ID: 747 490 420

2022 Annual Cancer
Survivorship Conference

Surviving & Thriving: Mind, Body, and Spirit

The 10th Annual Survivorship Program from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Surviving & Thriving: Mind, Body, and Spirit, features Laura Hoofing, a Psychiatric Nurse Liason, presenting on coping with uncertainty, Dr Jessica Engle on addressing issues with sleep, Wayman Scott, Associate Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Community Relations at Gilchrist/GBMC Healthcare, discussing hope and resilience, and much more.

National Cancer Survivors Day 2021

You are a survivor from the day of your diagnosis! National Cancer Survivor's Day is June 6, 2021. All of us at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center want to take this occasion to celebrate with our survivors and to recognize everything they have accomplished this year. We are cheering you on each and every day, and we look forward to the day when we can celebrate in person again!

2020 Annual Cancer
Survivorship Conference

Surviving and Thriving: Mind, Body and Spirit

"Cancer and COVID: Survivorship"

A Free virtual conference for patients & caregivers.

Moving and Stretching For Everyone

As part of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center's 8th Annual Survivorship Conference, JHH Physical Therapists Johanna Taylor, Liz Houghtaling & Annie DiOrio present 'Moving and Stretching for Everyone.'

Meditation: Your Tool for Relaxation

As part of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center's 8th Annual Survivorship Conference, Neda Gould, Ph.D., presents 'Meditation: Your Tool for Relaxation.'

Maximizing Survivorship Through Palliative Care

As part of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center's 8th Annual Survivorship Conference, Danielle Doberman, MD, MPH, presents 'Maximizing Survivorship Through Palliative Care.'

Health Care Open Enrollment

Medicare Open Enrollment for 2023

October 15 – December 7, 2022
Open enrollment for 2023, only comes around once a year! Any coverage changes or additions you make during open enrollment will take effect on January 1, 2023.

Learn more on the Medicare website.


Need Help Understanding the Medicare Plans and Your Options

If you need help understanding your options, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) offers free, unbiased, local help for people with Medicare or those making decisions about Medicare coverage.

Read more about the program.


Maryland Health Connection

November 1, 2022 – January 15, 2023
Are you under age 65 and need health insurance or looking for health insurance options? Any coverage changes you make during open enrollment will take effect on January 1, 2023.

Learn more.


Still have Questions or Concerns…We are here to help!

You can call us at 410-955-8934 to speak with an Oncology Social Worker.

2019 Event Images

Wall with cards of gratitude
Gratitude Wall
Fashion show models/survivors on stage.
Fashion Show Models & Survivors
Group of fashion show models/survivors holding each other's hands up.
Patient & Family Services Staff members with a volunteer
Program Staff and Volunteer
Patient & Family Services Staff group image
Patient & Family Services Team
Wall with cards of gratitude
Gratitude Wall
Fashion show models/survivors on stage.
Fashion Show Models & Survivors
Group of fashion show models/survivors holding each other's hands up.
Patient & Family Services Staff members with a volunteer
Program Staff and Volunteer
Patient & Family Services Staff group image
Patient & Family Services Team
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