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INSTITUTE FOR BASIC BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Fundamental research that drives advances in medicine Fundamental research that drives advances in medicine advance to content


The mission of the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is to promote the fundamental research that drives advances in medicine. By fostering a unique and collaborative environment that bridges basic science and clinical research, the IBBS supports and encourages interdisciplinary interactions that lead to discovery and innovation and educates and trains future leaders in biomedical research. 

  • Donate to Basic Research

    Philanthropic support has never been more critically important than it is today, nor has the potential return on investment been greater.

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    Please check this page frequently for information about IBBS seminars and major IBBS symposia.


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  • Image of the Month: Preventing Chaos

    Every time a cell divides, our chromosomes duplicate, providing each daughter cell with an accurate copy of our DNA. If our cells had no way to capture each complete copy, that would be chaotic. Fortunately, they have tiny machines that help put each copy in the right place.
    fluorescent image of tubules
  • COVID-19 Immunity Testing at Your Fingertips

    Johns Hopkins scientists have found a way to make glucose meters detect COVID-19 antibodies. Now, they’re trying to get it in the hands of the consumer.
    Digital illustration of the glucose meter and antibody
  • Image of the Month: Brain freeze!

    Thanks to many generous donors, the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Brain Resource Center has a large tissue repository for Johns Hopkins University faculty and academics across the country.
    photo of a paraffin wax slide containing a slice of a human brain

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  • Basic Science Departments

    Among nine basic science departments, more than 150 make discoveries to transform medicine.

    Basic Science Departments
  • Core Services

    The Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences is home to several centralized fee-for-service facilities open to all researchers at Johns Hopkins and beyond.

    Core Services
  • Research Centers

    Several research centers are supported by the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.

    Research Centers
  • Meet our Faculty

    Learn about the research of some of the 150 faculty members affiliated with the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences.

    Meet our Faculty



Photo of Zhaozhu Qiu

Zhaozhu Qiu, Ph.D., associate professor of physiology, has been selected as the recpient of the 2022 Lee Hood Prize in Biomedical Science in the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences. Qiu’s research focuses on ion channels and their role in health and disease. Qiu identified the proteins that constitute the mammalian volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) and the proton activated chloride conductance (PAC). Both PAC and VRAC play central roles in brain damage following stroke.

Photo of Solange Brown

Solange Brown, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of neuroscience, has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 Hamilton Smith Award for Innovative Research in the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences. Brown’s research focuses on the development and function of neural circuits and the behaviors they control in the mammalian brain. The Brown laboratory has shown that the claustrum, a network of neurons and supporting cells, with extensive connections to the neocortex, plays an important role in selecting appropriate motor actions.

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