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Transform Your HealthCardiac Rehabilitation and Clinical Exercise Physiology nurse supervising patient advance to content

The Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation and Clinical Exercise Physiology center offers comprehensive, medically supervised programs designed to teach people how to exercise safely and manage heart disease risk factors.

Changes to Available Services

At this time, Johns Hopkins Cardiac Rehabilitation is only offering phase II and phase III cardiac rehabilitation and diet counseling. We have suspended the following services: Resting metabolic rate analysis testing, VO2 max testing, body composition testing, and weight loss services.


What to Expect During Your Rehabilitation

During your appointment, you will undergo a thorough evaluation of your health and current fitness level to determine an effective rehabilitation plan.

Your personalized cardiac rehabilitation program may consist of the following:

  • nurse with patient

    After an initial consultation visit, an individualized exercise prescription is designed for each participant. All exercise workouts are supervised by a clinical exercise physiologist. Feedback is provided to the participant's personal health care provider on a regular basis.

    Participants can choose to exercise in a small group setting or have individualized personal training sessions.

    We offer the following tests to evaluate your physical performance:

    • Resting Metabolic Rate Analysis: This test determines how many calories you burn at rest. This information can determine how many daily calories are needed to lose weight, gain weight or increase muscle mass.
    • Body Composition: We measure how much of your body is composed of fat and muscle in order to create an effective weight loss plan.
    • V02 Max Testing: This endurance test measures the maximum amount of oxygen you can consume during your exercise, providing you with an accurate analysis of your current fitness.

    These tests are only offered at the Green Spring Station location

    Learn more about our individualized exercise programs.

  • doctor explaining health to patient

    Our multidisciplinary team provides education about heart disease, specifically methods on how to stabilize or reverse heart disease by improving risk factors such as:

    • Reducing or quitting smoking
    • Lipid management
    • Controlling high blood pressure
    • Weight loss
    • Diabetes management
    • Increasing physical activity

    At our Bayview location, we offer weight loss services and diet counseling from a registered dietitian.

    Our Green Spring Station location features education resources and one-on-one sessions with exercise physiologists.

  • nurses with patient on exercise bike

    We provide a holistic approach to cardiac rehabilitation which includes improving the emotional well-being of our patients. Our rehabilitation centers creates a safe space for patients to exercise and have access to counseling services.

    Our Bayview location offers clinical exercise for patients who aren't covered by insurance or may feel more comfortable exercising in a clinical environment.

    Phase III cardiac rehabilitation and clinical exercise don't require monitoring after completion of phase II or for patients that didn't experience a cardiac event.

Services by Location

We offer a range of services at both of our Baltimore area locations.

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II and III
  • Diet counseling 

Green Spring Station

  • Cardiac rehabilitation phase II and III
  • Resting metabolic rate analysis testing  (suspended at this time)
  • VO2 max testing  (suspended at this time)
  • Body composition testing  (suspended at this time)
  • Weight loss services  (suspended at this time)

Additional Services

Our clinic offers weight loss and human performance services to help you reach your health goals.


For certain heart conditions, exercise can be as powerful as some medications.

- Johns Hopkins expert Kerry Stewart, Ed.D.


Cardiac Rehabilitation and Clinical Exercise Physiology Program Locations

johns hopkins bayview building

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

4940 Eastern Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
Johns Hopkins Hospital Green Spring Station

Green Spring Station

10755 Falls Road
Pavilion I, Suite 360
Lutherville, MD 21093
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