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Bringing Together Experts from Around Johns Hopkins researchers reading cellular data advance to content

The Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering represents the cell engineering efforts at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where faculty, fellows, postdocs, and students and staff study some of the most exciting challenges in science today.

Bringing together researchers who aim to engineer cells to improve human health, the Institute provides a multidisciplinary environment at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that stimulates collaboration in hopes of accelerating progress. Our four basic research programs focus on a wide range of conditions including Parkinson's disease, ALS, cancer, diabetes, heart failure, stroke and spinal cord injury among many more.


Research Programs


Our four basic research programs, Immunobiology, Neuroregeneration, Stem Cell Biology and Vascular Biology, focus on a wide range of conditions including Parkinson’s disease, ALS, diabetes, heart failure, cancer, stroke and spinal cord injury.

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Training Opportunities

A number of graduate programs are available to prospective graduate students interested in training at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine including:

  • Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Biological Chemistry
  • Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  • Immunology
  • Neuroscience
  • Pathobiology
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