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Expert Clinical Care for Patients With Encephalitis Two doctors looking into a microscope

The Johns Hopkins Encephalitis Center provides expert clinical care for patients with autoimmune and infectious encephalitis. Our team of specialists in neurologic inflammation, infectious disease and critical care treats patients and conducts research to improve diagnosis and treatment of this disabling condition. Our vision is that prompt identification of encephalitis combined with advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques will improve quality of life for patients with encephalitis. 


Patient Experience

"If I had just two words to describe the medical staff at Johns Hopkins, they would be “teamwork” and “love.” My battle with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was not an easy one. It made it difficult to advocate for myself as a patient. The team at Johns Hopkins helped address the complexities of my illness and sent me on my way to recovery. I must thank Dr. Probasco and Dr. Peters, nurses Hope, Clement, Stephanie, Beth, Sophie, Dorian and Mary, all of the social workers and CNAs, the kitchen staff, sitters, residents and all others who played a role, no matter how minor, in my healing process. There are simply too many to name! I'm thankful that the medical team listened to my family’s concerns and the input of my father, who was my mouthpiece and biggest advocate. It is truly comforting to know that so many people came together to make sure I regain my health. At the end of the day, I thank God; the prayers of family, friends and church family; and the dedicated work of Johns Hopkins in helping me get to where I am."

- Encephalitis Center Patient


Request an Appointment

To request an appointment, please call 410-955-9441 or ask your physician to call 410-955-9444 to get transferred to Johns Hopkins from another hospital.

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