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Johns Hopkins MedicineLanguage Services

About Our Services

Patients and families have the right to communicate with their clinical team in their preferred language. Recognizing that the exchange of information between patient and provider is an essential element of quality and safe patient and family centered care, Johns Hopkins Medicine provides qualified and trained medical interpreters 24 hours per day, seven days per week, free of charge to any patient who has limited English proficiency (LEP) or is deaf or hard of hearing.

Interpreter services for sign language and over 230 spoken world languages are available through over-the-phone, video remote and in-person interpreters, or from qualified bilingual staff members.

When you call to schedule an appointment at any of the Johns Hopkins locations, please mention your preferred language for medical discussions. This will help us best meet your needs. The patient care team works with language services to perform an individualized assessment of communication needs for each patient and their family in order to provide effective communication.


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