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Nursing at Sibley

Sibley Memorial Hospital is decidedly a community institution, but one with a strong academic affiliation. Nursing at Sibley reflects these two worlds; our nurses actively participate in and lead research studies, help shape the patient experience and improve standards of practice across the hospital.

As healthcare transforms, the role of nurses at Sibley is evolving as well. Some of the exciting new developments include:

  • Participation in a number of Sibley-specific and national nursing award and recognition programs, including the DAISY Award
  • Creating enhanced academic collaboration that fosters a culture of innovation and learning with our sister and nearby organizations
  • Involvement with the American Nursing Credentialing Center (ANCC), towards the goal of joining the ANCC Magnet Recognition Program® and Pathway to Excellence Program®
  • Nurse residency program for recent nursing school graduates
  • Externships for Sibley nurses allow for our staff to gain firsthand experience in other healthcare environments and incorporate best practices into our organization

Read more about our three-year nursing strategic plan.

Sibley Nursing Model

Fiscal Year 2020 Nursing Annual Report

The 2020 nursing annual report includes highlights and exemplars of nursing excellence, outstanding achievements in nursing and reflections of professional practice. Sibley nursing’s shared governance model has connected our nurses to the overall vision of nursing: “To be a trusted leader in the healing process through our commitment to excellence, authentic relationships and our strength in advocacy.” This past year has been full of change and uncertainty; however, the constant is the dedication and commitment to caring for our patients and each other. Read the FY20 annual report to learn more.

Previous Reports:

Patient Care Services Newsletter

  • Fall 2019
    Topics include: A Message from the CNO, Magnet Program Coordinator, New Faces and Promotions, Professional Practice Model, and more.
  • Fall 2017-Winter 2018
    Topics include: The Magnet Journey Begins!, Peri-Operative Care Delivery, Nurse Communication, Kudos Corner and more.
  • June 2017-August 2017
    Topics include: ED Lantern Award, Kudos Corner, 7B Responsiveness Project, Promotions and Achievements and more.
  • May 2017 - Nurses Week Issue
    Topics include: Family Fun Festival, Cultivating Culture of Self-Care, Recognizing Nurses and more.
  • February 2017 - April 2017 Issue
    Topics include: Advanced Practice Providers, Bundle Fair Wrap-Up, Precepting Tips, Recognizing Nurses and more.
  • November 2016 - January 2017 Issue
    Topics include: Leaders Advancing Education, Bundle Fair, Oncology Nurse Practitioners, DAISY Award Winner and more.
  • September - October 2016 Issue
    Topics include: NP Council, New Sibley Tower Opens, Nursing-led Research, Staff Tranquility Room and more.
  • June - July 2016 Issue
    Topics include: New Sibley Safety, Education Updates and Opportunities, Kudos Corner, CNOR Strong and more.
  • March - May 2016 Issue
    Topics include: Mission, Vision and Values, Poster Presentations, Recognizing Nurses, Empirical Outcomes and more.
  • January - February 2016 Issue
    Topics include: Deans and Coordinator's Breakfast, New Resources for Nurses, New Education Opportunities, Kudos Corner, PCA Pumps, Engagement Strategies on the Ren and more.
  • November - December 2015 Issue
    Topics include: Ethics Advisory Committee, Climbing the Ladder in Women and Infant Services, Letter of Gratitude, Patient Experience Improvements, CUSP Training and more.
  • September - October 2015 Issue
    Topics include: Sibley Nurses Advance their Education, Advanced Practice Providers, Stroke Program Recertification, Educational Opportunities, Committee Restructuring and more.
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