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Core Funding

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Core Coins Program (SOM Only)

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Core Coins Program is a funding mechanism designed to encourage investigators to access core services and facilities. Our goal is to accelerate research by providing rapid, targeted funding to address small but critical gaps in basic, clinical and translational research work currently not funded by other sources. Core Coins will be awarded on a competitive basis to individual PIs and subsequently administered through the iLab program through a distinct account provided to you within an iLab core.

Core Coins Applicant Eligibility

Faculty that have an appointment through School of Medicine are eligible for Core Coins.  School of Medicine Core facilities receiving Core Coins funding must have adopted iLab Solutions or have signed up for implementation. For additional information about iLab Solutions, please contact either Shawn Franckowiak or Jeff Smith from the Office for Faculty Research Resources.

We are not currently accepting applications. 

Funding and Timing

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (SOM) Core Coins Program has provided over $350,000 in Core Coins to faculty in calendar year 2019. Core Coins funding is awarded directly to individual faculty to complete faculty-generated projects at any of the SOM cores using the iLab core management system. Additional Core Coins funding opportunities for calendar year 2020 and beyond will be communicated through this website and through faculty email distribution.

The Core Coins funding will focus on encouraging faculty to submit individual research project proposals for research not currently supported through sponsored or non-sponsored sources, but require the use of SOM core services and/or the utilization of equipment or technology within SOM cores. Similar to the Core Coins funding offered in previous years, the funding is designed to address small but critical gaps in basic, clinical and translational research currently not funded by other sources, and provide opportunities to fund novel research projects of investigators. The funding amounts requested for individual projects can range from $2,500 to $20,000, with expedited review given to those projects with amounts in the lower range.

To qualify for Core Coins funding, faculty should be aware of the following eligibility criteria listed below:

  • Faculty member must have a SOM faculty appointment
  • A  brief research plan must be submitted through the Core in the Box Website application (link below)
  • Feedback to application questions should be brief and is limited to 1 page total for all responses (~500 words)
  • For each project, services can only be requested from one research core
  • Funding requested can range from $2,500 to $20,000
  • Requested funding should include relevant core service pricing and volumes to complete the research project
  • Faculty are limited to one application per Core Coins funding offering

Faculty interested in applying can access the application, and should provide the following information: 

  • Access  the Core Coins Application
  • Amount and justification for funds requested?
  • SOM core where services are requested (the core must use the iLab system)?
  • Brief description of the proposed research project (project aims, scope, how core services will be used to answer research hypothesis)?
  • If applicable, feedback on previous funding for currently requested core coins project (why additional funds are being requested)?

Contact Information

If there are questions about the Core Coins Program, please contact Shawn Franckowiak, Director of the Office for Faculty Research Resources.  For a complete listing of iLab cores, please visit the iLab Organizer and click on the Core Facilities by School tab.     

Past Core Coins Awardees

2019 Core Coins Awardees ($365,480 in Core Coins Awarded to 34 Faculty)  

Faculty NameSOM Core
Dmitri ArtemovMRB Molecular Imaging Service Center
Dwight BerglesGRCF DNA Services   
Seth Blackshaw Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core
Patrizio Caturegli Ross Flow Cytometry Core  
Stephen Chelko Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core
Marcelo Diaz Bustamante Transgenic Mouse Core  
Elia Duh GRCF DNA Services
Hari Easwaran SKCCC Experimental and Computational Genomics
Laura Ensign GRCF DNA Services
Ryuya Fukunaga Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core
Li Gao ChemCORE high throughput screening facility 
Christian Gocke GRCF Cell Center 
Maria Gutierrez Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core
Thomas JohnsonTransgenic Mouse Core  
Mark Kohr Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core
Andrew LaneGRCF Cell Center
Richard Lee GRCF DNA Services
Hernando Lopez-Bertoni GRCF Cell Center   
Hanzhang Lu Applied Imaging Mass Spectrometry (AIMS) Core  
Joanna Melia   Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core 
Samantha Pitts Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition
Joel PomerantzTransgenic Mouse Core
Daniel RabenEukaryotic Tissue Culture Facility
Fatemeh Rajaii Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core
Kannan Rangaramanujam Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core  
Rajini Rao Transcriptomics and Deep Sequencing Core   
Nicholas Rowan BEAD Core  
Hiromi Sesaki Transgenic Mouse Core
 Neeraj SharmaGRCF DNA Services
Piotr WalczakApplied Imaging Mass Spectrometry (AIMS) Core  
Cynthia Wolberger Eukaryotic Tissue Culture Facility  
Kun Yang GRCF DNA Services
Donald Zack GRCF DNA Services   
Liang ZhaoJohns Hopkins Drug Discovery Group  

Other Funding Opportunities

Instrumentation grants are reviewed centrally by the Johns Hopkins University Research Administration, Research Development - Limited Submissions Programs office. Please contact [email protected] with inquiries.

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