Insurance and Billing
Signature OB/GYN participates in most managed care programs. As this list constantly changes, please check with our business office for the latest update.
Have insurance and billing related questions?
Please call 855-662-3017.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes, you can pay your bill online via
Whose responsibility is it to know about my health care plan changes?
Managed care plans may have restrictions with respect to hospitals, referral physicians, as well as the type and extent of treatment. Changes in hospitals, participating physicians, labs, and ancillary service providers occur continuously. While we make every effort to keep abreast of these modifications and relay them to you, it is ultimately the patient's responsibility to make certain her program approves of the choice of hospital, physician, or laboratory where she has been referred. We recommend careful review of your plan's benefits and suggest contacting your program's patient relations representative for explanations.
When do I need to pay my bill?
Payment will be requested at the time of service for all services that are non-covered or determined to be the patient's responsibility, including co-payments. Payment may be made by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa and American Express. If you are an obstetrical patient and you do not have insurance, we require a $250 deposit upon your first visit, and payment in full by your seventh month. Please contact our Financial Clearance Coordinator to work out a payment plan at 410-884-8108.
When do you charge me for my obstetrical care?
Charges for office visits are paid for at the time of the visit, unless prior arrangements are made. The fees for obstetrical care include medical care from your first visit through your prenatal care, your delivery, and your visit six weeks following delivery. Additional charges are made for special laboratory tests, procedures, or complicated obstetrical care. All obstetrical fees are required to be paid by the seventh month (28th week) of pregnancy.