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Meet Our Experts

The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins includes a wide array of medical professionals and laboratory scientists. Many of our experts are nationally and internationally recognized as leaders in the research and treatment of cancer.


William Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.,was named the Marion I. Knott Director and Professor of Oncology and Director of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins in December 2008.


Our Researchers

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Results Per Page:  12  ·  24  ·  48
Four smiling nurses.

Our Nurses

Patients receive the utmost attention and quality care. With so many professional registered nurses practicing in different roles, our nursing staff represents a broad range of oncology expertise, ensuring that care is tailored to each patient's specific needs.

Learn more about our nurses.

Members of the media interested in requesting an interview with one of faculty members please contact the Office of Public Affairs at 410-955-1287.

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