Johns Hopkins Medicine Well-Being Research
In order to address the factors that contribute to burnout for our own clinicians, the Johns Hopkins Office of Well-Being is collaborating with partners across Johns Hopkins Medicine to look at systems, processes, and practices that promote the well-being of our faculty and staff. And we are working to mitigate the things that get in the way of professional fulfillment and work life balance.
JHM Inter-professional Well-Being Survey and Research Study
The Inter-professional Well-Being Survey and Research Study looks at professional fulfillment, burnout, work efficiency, peer support and work-life balance for Johns Hopkins Medicine clinicians.
Joy in Medicine Task Force
Learn about the Joy in Medicine Task Force and Access the Report (JHED required)
Physician Wellness Academic Consortium (PWAC)
In addition to our work within Johns Hopkins Medicine, we have joined the Stanford Physician Wellness Academic Consortium which enables us to collaborate, share interventions and benchmark data with peer institutions across the country. Learn about the work of this Consortium.
National Academy of Medicine (NAM)
Johns Hopkins Medicine through the Office of Well-Being, is a member of The National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience, and member of the Leadership & Working Group. The NAM Collaborative is a network of more than 50 organizations committed to reversing trends in clinician burnout. Learn about the drivers of well-being and research conducted through the Collaborative.
- Carolyn Cumpsty- Fowler, PhD, MPH; Laurie Saletnik, DNP, RN, CNOR, Fostering a Culture of Well- Being in Perioperative Nursing: A Call to Action. ACORN Journal, Vol.. 114, No. 2.
- Sinsky, C. A., L. Daugherty Biddison, A. Mallick, A. Legreid Dopp, J. Perlo, L, Lynn, and C. D. Smith. 2020. Organizational Evidence-Based and Promising Practices for Improving Clinician Well-Being. NAM Perspectives. Discussion Paper, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC.
- Everly, G., Wu, A., Crumpsty-Fowler, C., Dang, D., & Potash, J. (2020). Leadership principles to decrease psychological casualties in COVID-19 and other disasters of uncertainty. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-10. doi:10.1017/dmp.2020.39
- Creating a Culture of Health and Uniting a Complex Health System: Johns Hopkins Medicine. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. November 1, 2019
- Creating a Culture of Health at Johns Hopkins Medicine. American Journal for Health Promotion. October 23, 2018