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Caring for Ourselves and Each Other

All of us have been touched by the stressors of the pandemic. On this page, we provide ways you can support yourself, colleagues can support each other, and ways managers and leaders can support teams as we process, grieve, and make meaning of the events of the past year. 


Support in Action Video Series


Short videos to use in huddles, meetings, or for individuals to help you cope and process the events of the past year. 

When should we seek help for ourselves and others?: 

doctor consoling another doctor

Dr. Karen Swartz shares data and practical advice on how to recognize distress in ourselves, and others, and where to seek help. Dr. Swartz is a member of the Johns Hopkins Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Health Collaborative- RISE, mySupport. Department of Spirtual Care, Department of Psychiatry, Healthy at Hopkins.

Watch video | Download flyer

Answers to Questions from Front-line Staff  

Dr. Carolyn Fowler is joined by Hopkins experts to answer questions from our front-line staff on about coping with the pandemic:

doctor consoling a coworker

Somatic Shorts

Somatic shorts are 5 minute sessions that allow you to reconnect with your body through movement that is performed consciously, with complete internal focus and attention.

See the series

Download and Share

There are resources available to all Johns Hopkins staff to support mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. But not all staff know about the resources. You can help spread the word by sharing this information at team huddles and meetings, posting in break rooms, and by sharing with staff during wellness rounds.

Resource flyer

Includes contact information for each mental, emotional and spiritual health support service. Look for your work location to find the direct phone and pager numbers.

Helping Each Other Through Times of Stress

Many of us have faced challenges that are stressful and overwhelming, and we may have feelings of isolation, anxiety, hopelessness and depression. These feelings of stress can affect our work and home lives. This resource will help in identifying signs of stress in our colleagues as well as in ourselves, find ways in which we can connect with each other in meaningful ways and learn where to get support.

Tools for Managers and Leaders: Staff Support Postcards

Request a print ready PDF file for dissemination.

Shareable digital files: Howard County General Hospital | Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital | Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center | Johns Hopkins Hospital | Sibley Memorial Hospital | Suburban Hospital | Home Care

*Update: As of October 1st, the Department of Psychiatry support groups are not currently meeting

Worksite Wellness Menu

healthy at hopkins logo

Invite a Healthy at Hopkins team member to lead a wellness activity at your next staff meeting, or any virtual gathering. Choose from a variety of virtual activities like meditation and fitness breaks and to reduce stress and increase well-being.

Access the Worksite Wellness Menu

Helpful JHM support resources to help you cope and to foster social connection

Fostering Social Connection

Building and maintaining meaningful connections with colleagues can have a protective effect and strengthen our resilience and our ability to withstand distress. Feeling socially connected, especially when physically distanced, is more important than ever. Social isolation, extreme stress and loneliness can lead to burnout.

There are many opportunities for you to connect with your colleagues across Johns Hopkins Medicine. We invite you to become a part of these programs.

  • Worksite Wellness Menu

    Invite a Healthy at Hopkins team member to lead a wellness activity at your next staff meeting, or any virtual gathering. Choose from a variety of virtual activities like meditation and fitness breaks and to reduce stress and increase well-being.

    Access the menu

    Healthy at Hopkins Portal

    A social space where you can build connections, share accomplishments, challenge and support each other toward better well-being. On the portal, you can:

    • Add your work friends as well as friends outside our organization (this includes family, too) and build up your support network!
    • Invite friends to health challenges and encourage each other to build healthy habits!
    • Create groups around common interests or events like biking, recipe sharing, or a lunchtime walking video!

    Get connected

    Healthy at Hopkins Champions

    You can contribute to advancing a culture of employee health and well-being within the Johns Hopkins Medicine community. Champions support strategic initiatives and act as ambassadors by offering on the ground support and bringing education, resources, and activities directly to your department or unit. As a champion your actions support your colleagues’ personal well-being journeys by developing lifestyle habits while reflecting and learning.

    Interesting in becoming a Champion?

  • Programs and resources for all who work at JHM to ensure that patients are respected, practitioners are supported, students are equipped, faculty members are empowered, leadership is diverse, inclusion is sustained, communities are embraced and lives are saved.

    Our resources

    Employee Resource Groups

    Consider joining one of Johns Hopkins Medicine’s six employee resource groups (ERGs), which are made up of employee volunteers — typically from underrepresented identities — and allies who have a common purpose or background, or similar interests. The ERGs help foster an inclusive workplace, offer volunteer opportunities and plan activities throughout the year. See a flyer to learn more about our ERGs and how to join.

    Contact information:
    844-JHDVRSTY (543-8778)
    [email protected]

  • Videos and resources for front line clinicians who are facing the unprecedented ethical challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak presented by the Berman Institute for Bioethics.

    Learn more

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