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Vera Ignjatovic, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Vera Ignjatovic, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Headshot of Vera Ignjatovic
  • Professor (PAR) of Pediatrics

Research Interests

Thrombosis and Hemostasis; Proteomics; Translational Research more


Dr. Vera Ignjatovic is a medical researcher focused on improving outcomes for children. She is a groundbreaker and an internationally recognised expert across the fields of paediatric haematology and proteomics, a feat rarely achieved in medical research.

She began her career by establishing the Haematology Research Laboratory at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia in 2001, and has since then established herself as a pioneer in the field of paediatric thrombosis and haemostasis. Her research to date has focused specifically on Developmental Haemostasis, the concept describing age-specific development of the haemostatic system.  Dr. Ignjatovic is an international expert in plasma proteomics, an approach that she uses widely in her research.

Her international recognition is evident through leadership roles in the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, as well as the Human Proteome Organisation.

Dr. Ignjatovic represents a new generation of adaptive scientists who recognise the critical importance of building bridges between academia, industry, startups, service providers and government; and has actively created a knowledge network of innovation and transformation mentors, mentees, advisors and collaborators from far wider than the health and science discipline, across local and international borders. more


  • Professor (PAR) of Pediatrics

Departments / Divisions



  • B.Sc.; Monash University (Victoria) (Australia) (1996)
  • M.B.A.; Monash University (Victoria) (Australia) (2021)
  • Ph.D.; Monash University (Victoria) (Australia) (2000)

Activities & Honors


  • International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH)
  • Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO)
  • Section Editor, Thrombosis and Haemostasis
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