I am honored to serve as the new vice dean for clinical investigation at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. My vision is to ensure that Johns Hopkins is a vanguard nationally and internationally in clinical research leadership. I want to strengthen the outstanding clinical and translational research we have now by advancing discovery, innovation and impact. To do this, I will focus on making discovery easier across the clinical research ecosystem.
Our extensive and wide-ranging clinical research portfolio includes therapeutic clinical trials, robust evaluations of large scale health data with development of machine learning techniques, and community-based participatory research and implementation science. We recognize that the clinical and translational research landscape we are part of is increasingly complex. To continue to succeed in this environment and to grow, we need efficient and effective systems and processes supporting our research efforts. We need to ensure compliance and to protect study participants while enabling our diverse clinical research with robust support for our researchers.
We are also enhancing and streamlining our efforts to communicate with you about clinical research, including with use of this clinical research website.
As a step to achieve this vision, we are expanding our support of clinical investigators with the launch of the Office of Clinical Trials, led by Dr. Mark Sulkowski, senior associate dean. Together with the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, led by Dr. Daniel Ford, we will propel Johns Hopkins clinical research forward.
As we build to the future of clinical research, your partnership will be critical to advancing our efforts. I welcome and encourage new clinical researchers to join our community, and I look forward to working with all of you.
Gail Daumit, M.D., M.H.S.
Twitter: @GailDaumit
Samsung Professor in Medicine
Vice Dean for Clinical Investigation